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Important Notes for 2025 Season

  • Jerseys for sizing are available at All Seasons Sports. Please check on sizing if you have questions because no exchanges will be available.
  • Starting this season, 15-year-old players will be playing under the Legion/Jr. Legion system. DYBSA will no longer offer programming for this age group, and they are encouraged to join the Legion program. An informational meeting will be held at the Delano Fire Station on February 26th at 7:00 pm. All parents and players between 15 and 18 years of age should attend. 
  • Baseball evaluations will be held on March 15th. We will be using a slightly updated format, and more information will be available as we get closer to the date. Estimated times will be posted a week prior to the evaluations. Every effort should be made to attend the evaluations. If you cannot make this date, please contact to let us know. Consistent with how we operated in the past, no parents or spectators are allowed in the gym while evaluations are completed. 
  • Mandatory parent meetings will occur again this spring on the date of evaluations, March 15th. We will offer two times: 10:00 am or 2:00 pm and both will be located in the Tiger Den. Please look for more additional parent meeting in late February as well.
  • We will hold another special safety evaluation for any 8-year-olds wanting to move from coach-pitch to the kid-pitch Willie Mays league. If interested in being considered for this, please indicate this on your registration. 
  • Travel baseball teams will be posted on the evening of March 23rd, and in-house league teams will be posted as they are finalized. This will occur shortly after the travel teams are posted. 
  • A baseball coaches clinic/meeting will be held on March 30th. Time and location is TBD. This will be mandatory for all interested in coaching baseball. 

Winter Clinics

DYBSA is offering warm-up clinics for softball and baseball to help prepare for the upcoming season. Baseball clinics will be offered for two Sundays in February, the 16th and 23rd. These clinics will be for students between the ages of 9 and 12. Times will be made available after the February 2nd deadline for registration. This clinic will be a warm-up to re-introduce the players to baseball activities before tryouts. They will practice the hitting, infield, and outfield skills and stations that will be at tryouts.

Payments will be made upon arriving for the clinic and can be cash, check, or Venmo. 

If you have any questions, please contact Adam Wortz (

2024 9U - 15U Travel Teams

The 2024 9U - 15U travel teams are now available.  Please look at the document below to see the teams.  If your child is not listed under the 9AA, 10A, or 10AAA team and is in those age groups, they will be placed on a Willie Mays team once those teams are created.

As we stated in the parent meetings, please observe the 48-hour rule after these are released.  Coaches will be determined in the coming days.

Links to Rules and Bat Standards