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Official Site of the Delano Youth Baseball & Softball Association

Registration for the 2025 season is now open!

Players and Families,

Registration Dates

Softball - January 13th-February 14th (Late Fee starts February 7th). Please visit the Softball page for more information regarding the season including information on jerseys and  evaluations!

Baseball - January 13th-March 9th (Late Fee starts March 1st). Please visit the Baseball page for more information regarding the season including information on jerseys, evaluations, parent meetings, and more!

For more information on Registration, please select the Registration Tab or click here!

Winter Clinics

For both softball and baseball clinics, payments will be made upon arriving for the clinic. Payments can be cash, check, or Venmo. 


DYBSA is offering warm-up clinics for softball and baseball to help prepare for the upcoming season. Softball clinics are ongoing for 10U and 12U, and the cost if $45 for any/all of the sessions. Please sign up here


Baseball clinics will be offered for two Sundays in February, the 16th and 23rd. These clinics will be for students between the ages of 9 and 12. Times will be made available after the February 2nd deadline for registration. This clinic will be a warm-up to re-introduce the players to baseball activities before tryouts. They will practice the hitting, infield, and outfield skills and stations that will be at tryouts.

If you have any questions, please contact Adam Wortz (

Baseball Homepage

Softball Homepage

Teeball Homepage

Coach Pitch

Coaching Corner